Friday, February 5, 2010

Depends are your friend, embrace them.

The patriarch of our family is turning 63 today. Holy crapatoa batman! He doesn't have a going problem, he has a growing problem. Sorry, couldn't resist. So, on this day, let's recollect about John Arthur (at least that's what mom called him when he did the first thing on the list below).

1. His "I don't care where I am" flatulence
2. Threadbare white T-shirts from 1984 that allow you to see his circulatory system.
3. Extended time in the "office" resulting in severe bathroom polio.
4. Wearing head phones that were obviously borrowed from an air traffic controller.
5. Converting first aid boxes into a distillery.
6. The incident with the gall bladder.
7. Clipping gophers out of the rock wall.
8. The moustache
9. Coming to the James house (before they lived there) to gather me after I broke all the windows.
10. Blaming me for the attempted garage fire. Damn you Dan.
11. The bear hug after graduation, marriage, and birth of my children.
12. Rocking out in a Canadian tuxedo (jean pants, jean shirt)
13. Wanting to keep his gall bladder as a coin purse.
14. Singing with Mom on the old piano

This is a start, and is intended to keep going. Especially on a Friday.

Anywho, Happy Birthday Dad. 63 great years.


Cheddar said...

I'm about to go our to a few meetings, but I'll be considering this the entire time. My contribution will come later today.

Lisa said...

I remember the time Mr Chandre (no I still can't call him John) had a moth fly into his ear and he had to go to the ER to have it taken out!

Happy Birtday Mr Chandre!

Linda said...

To my little brother, Johnny. I think I'm the only one (except maybe Amy) allowed to call you that.
Have a wonderful, glorious 63rd birthday.
Your big sister,
talk to you later

Carolyn Miller said...

The moth in the ear was a classic, especially since it took a little sobering up to convince the medical staff you were being serious.

One of my favorites was when Chris and Dan ditched you in the middle of the Crystal River at Ding's Dock and you had to walk all the way to the pick up point.

Cheddar said...

OK, let's see...

1. Paving the drive way was an average Saturday, not something you paid someone to do. Thanks for the donuts Uncle David.

2. When you're 5 year's old, excellent pillow in the middle of the living room floor. Well, we called it a family room.

3. Deck pride. 'nough said.

4. The most convoluted and complex ways of wiring a house for cable. It's cable - it doesn't need a switching station.

5. A genuine desire to invent the next greatest thing without having any real good ideas as to what that thing would be.

6. Truly amazing Excel skills. Can run circles around anyone I know except Maria.

7. Seconds for the 'stache

8. A relatively short memory (when needed) and surprising forgiving streak. I did some F***ed up crap and I only hear about it every now and then. Faith that I'd come out the other side, much appreciated.

9. Excellent Father. Happy Birthday Dad.