Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm always the smartest, best looking dude at the bar.....when intoxicated.

So, here are the answers. I incorrectly guessed "Nice hair, pretty boy". I also got the middle school wrong. Dan and Charlie were spot on with only one mistake. They guessed Houlihan for the Police Academy woman, instead of Callahan. Frank Burns was offended.

1. Phoenix Foundation
2. Callahan - Leslie Easterbrook
3. Boof
4. Wings
5. The Maxx
6. Warren G Harding
7. Nova Labratories
8. Van Buren Boys
9. Roger McDowell
10. Ray Kinsella
11. "Nice Game, pretty boy"
12. "basically $37.50 for a 3 Musketeers."
13. Hanover, Indiana (4hrs and 20mins from the setting of Christmas Story (Hammond, IN)
14. "Video killed the radio star" by the Buggles
15. Robin Yount fields and throws across the diamond to Cecil Cooper. Brewers beat the Angels!!!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying the random thought strings on this blog, and I hope to see continued usage. Hope everyone has a great Sunday.

1 comment:

Karen Chandre said...

Hey - no fair! Dan and Charlie answered jointly. Also - I think there is some generational thing going on here. Chris - you know how Aiden and Emma watch the same movies over and over. You guys watched the same shows/ movies over and over so you could recite dialogue from each episode. I think I cry FOUL on this one.