Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'd Like to Thank the Academy...

For exposing me to movies I have not seen. I watch the Oscars every year, hoping for a number of things: 1) the hosts will not be painful; 2) I will have seen at least ONE movie nominated for best picture; and 3) they continue to cut the acceptance speeches shorter and shorter.

This year, I haven’t seen one movie nominated. In truth, I rarely see movies (I like to know how they end) anyway, but I have usually seen at least one movie in the pool.

So, for those of you that saw some of the nominated movies, do you agree with the award winners?


Chris Chandre said...

#2 is ridiculous. Sorry, you are a grown woman. Roughly 78% of the allure of a movie is not knowing the story.

Up should have swept. Best kids movie I have seen, and I have seen 100's. As for Avatar, it was good and preachy, but I liked Hurt Locker better so I'm okay with it. Bullock would not have won if there were stronger opponents. She is a terrible, terrible actress. Some movies you can't escape (Speed, Demolition Man). Think of that suckfest that happened with Keanu and Bullock hurtling to their deaths in Speed.

The only slam dunk I saw going into the night was for best supporting actor. Inglorius Basterds was uber violent, and I wouldn't recommend that the rents watch it (Pulp Fiction speaks to this), but his performance was immediately noticable. Every once in a while you see a performance that just smacks you in the head, like Patrick Swayze in Road House/Red Dawn, and you feel better for having seen it.

Chris Chandre said...

#2 paragraph, I meant.

Cheddar said...

First, totally agree with Chris - you like to know how they end? Were you attempting to make a funny there and left out some words? How can you possibly want to know how it ends before it starts? Was it that way with Cagny and Lacy?

There were a lot of movies that I hadn't seen this year, but I will see them now. I was not an Avatar fan, but it's hard to argue with any of the sound awards and visual effects. Surprised that extremely hefty girl from Precious didn't win best actress - Bullock blows.

I haven't seen Hurt Locker yet. I will, and soon. It's hard to believe it's not awesome.

I thought the hosts were pretty good, didn't distract too much. In general however, I hate the Oscars. It takes 4 hours and they give out like 10 awards - how is that possible? Way too much fake pageantry for me.

Chris Chandre said...

Oscars failed to mention the following people who died:

Bea Arthur
Farah Faucett
Ed McMahon

Seriuosly? Horrible.

John Chandre said...

First of all...the three you named Chris were TV stars, but Movie stars.
Second what about Dude winning!!!!

Karen Chandre said...

I saw NONE! I take that back - Dad and I did see Meryl Streep in Julie and Julia - she was very good. Other than that - I have no opinion. Generally, not a big fan of the Oscar show.