Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Reunion Dates

Hi All,
I will monitor this post and update the spreadsheet. I will replace the existing photo every time someone submits their weekends.

Please submit the weekends via comments. Also, 4's are considered absolute NO's.

Alright, let's get this first step out of the way.


Amy Jones said...

Hill and I are in favor of the same weekends as Chris and Susan. Any of these will work well with my work schedule and other plans. Thanks!

Amy Jones said...

I forgot to mention, Columbus is great for us! Can't wait!

Linda said...

first choice June 25, second choice July 23, third choice August 20 weekends.

John Chandre said...

Hi everyone...I'm trying not to confuse, but in order to make the decision making process easier I have amended the original spreadsheet to be interactive. I will send it via email to all, and those of you who haven't picked dates yet can play with it. I have assigned points to the 1,2,3 and 4 choices. When you put a 1 in a cell across from the weekend that is your first choice a 75 will appear in the total column. 2=50, 3=25, and 4=0.
When everybody sends me their dates I will send out the master, and we can see which date is the favorite.